Welcome to Coast Chiropractic!
Please note we are not accepting new clients anymore
“I’ve never met a spine I couldn’t help”
Dr Ali Schwarz
At Coast Chiropractic, we want you to feel welcome, relaxed and supported throughout your healing process. Health is a continuum that we want to help you move up. We care for all ages and abilities - from pregnant ladies and babies to people in their nineties. It is never too late to start taking better care of your body. After all, we only get one!
“You’re not broken. You just have a starting point.” – Dr Ali Schwarz
About Chiropractic
We live our lives through our nervous system – sight, touch, taste, smell and hearing are all interpretations in our brain of what is happening in our external/internal environments. Essentially, our life is the experience of electrical input to our brain and the subsequent responses in and of our body. Sounds pretty simple for something so complex as life.
Our brain and our body are always trying to maintain balance, harmony, stay centred and we are always getting signals from our body, through our nervous system, if we’re “out of whack” or not. Whether we listen to those signals is a different story.
Symptoms are the signals that we’re out of whack. And sometimes our body has to bombard us with symptoms before we do anything about it.
Luckily for you, this is where chiropractic comes in.
Chiropractic works to restore the balance and harmony in your brain and nervous system by working on your spine. If you have areas in your spine that aren’t functioning properly, it can disrupt the flow of “traffic” between your brain and your body which results in “traffic” chaos. Chiropractors have a variety of techniques to free your spine and nervous system of this chaos, which means you feel great and your body is a much happier place to live!